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Name - Crocota pseudotinctaria Leraut 1999

Name Details

Life Sciences Identifier (LSID) [metadata]

Variants and Synonyms

Reported Taxonomic Ranks


Reported Taxonomic Hierarchies

Animalia (Kingdom)
Arthropoda (Phylum)
Insecta (Class)
Lepidoptera (Order)
Glossata (Suborder)
Heteroneura (Infraorder)
Geometroidea (Superfamily)
Geometridae (Family)


Original Description Reference

  • [Contribution to the study the species of the genus Crocota Huebner (Lepidoptera Geometridae).] Alexanor, 20(8), octobre-decembre 1999: 467-481. [Zoological Record Volume 137]

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Zoological Record

Recent Publications

  • [The morphology, phenology and distribution of Crocota tinctaria Huebner, 1799, and the recently recognised C. pseudotinctaria Leraut, 1999 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae).]
  • [Contribution to the study the species of the genus Crocota Huebner (Lepidoptera Geometridae).]
  • Crocota study 3. - Breeding, description of early stages and failed attempts to cross Crocota tinctaria (Huebner 1799) and pseudotinctaria Leraut, 1999 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae).
  • Crocota study 8. - Important data about the distribution of the twin species Crocota tinctaria Huebner, 1799) and pseudotinctaria Leraut, 1999 in the 'triangle' of the countries Switzerland, France and Italy (Lepidoptera: Geometridae).

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External Links

NCBI Metadata
Encyclopedia of Life
