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Name - Hippidion principale (Lund 1846)

Name Details

Life Sciences Identifier (LSID) [metadata]

Variants and Synonyms

Reported Taxonomic Ranks


Reported Taxonomic Hierarchies

Animalia (Kingdom)
Chordata (Phylum)
Vertebrata (Subphylum)
Mammalia (Class)
Equidae (Family)


Recent Publications

  • Hippidion and Equus (Amerhippus) from the San Lorenzo cliff, Late Pleistocene (Santa Fe province, Argentina).
  • New record of Hippidion (Mammalia Perissodactyla) from the late Pleistocene of Buenos Aires province, Argentina.
  • New records of Hippidion principale and Equus neogeus from Salado River (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina).
  • Taxonomy and paleoenvironmental inferences from fossil vertebrates of Paripiranga Borboletas Cave, Northeastern Bahia, Brazil.
  • New records of Equus and Hippidion (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) from the Late Pleistocene of the Salado River (Buenos Aires province, Argentina).

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External Links

NCBI Metadata
Encyclopedia of Life
