Name - Etropus microstomus
Name Details
Life Sciences Identifier (LSID) [metadata]
Variants and Synonyms
Reported Taxonomic Ranks
Reported Taxonomic Hierarchies
Animalia (Kingdom) Chordata (Phylum) Vertebrata (Subphylum) Pisces (Group) Osteichthyes (Group) Actinopterygii (Class) Pleuronectiformes (Order) Paralichthyidae (Family) |
Recent Publications
- Eggs and early larvae of smallmouth flounder, Etropus microstomus.
- Occurrence of smallmouth flounder in Hudson Estuary.
- Winter mortality, growth, and behavior of young-of-the-year of four coastal fishes in New Jersey (USA) waters.
- Scale formation in selected western North Atlantic flatfishes.
- New report and range extension of smallmouth flounder, Etropus microstomus (Actinopterygii: Carangiformes: Cyclopsettidae), in the Gulf of Mexico.
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External Links
NCBI MetadataEncyclopedia of Life