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Name - Microhodotermes viator

Name Details

Life Sciences Identifier (LSID) [metadata]

Reported Taxonomic Ranks


Reported Taxonomic Hierarchies

Animalia (Kingdom)
Arthropoda (Phylum)
Insecta (Class)
Isoptera (Order)


Recent Publications

  • Landscape patterning created by the southern harvester termite, Microhodotermes viator: Spatial dispersion of colonies and alteration of soils.
  • Calcite accumulation in a South African heuweltjie: Role of the termite Microhodotermes viator and oribatid mites.
  • A Nesting Aggregation of Rediviva intermixta (Melittinae: Melittidae) with Males Sleeping Together in Burrows: Namaqualand, South Africa.
  • Earthen mounds (heuweltjies) of South Africa and their termite occupants: applicability of concepts of the extended phenotype, ecosystem engineering and niche construction.
  • Coexistence of Ammoxenus (Gnaphosidae) spider species on and between termitaria of Microhodotermes viator (Hodotermitidae) at a Karoo site.

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External Links

NCBI Metadata
Encyclopedia of Life
