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Name - Mayaheros urophthalmus

Name Details

Life Sciences Identifier (LSID) [metadata]

Variants and Synonyms

Reported Taxonomic Ranks


Reported Taxonomic Hierarchies

Animalia (Kingdom)
Chordata (Phylum)
Vertebrata (Subphylum)
Pisces (Group)
Osteichthyes (Group)
Perciformes (Order)
Cichlidae (Family)


Recent Publications

  • Competitive dominance and broad environmental tolerance favour invasive success of Nile tilapia.
  • Risk assessment of chanchita Cichlasoma dimerus (Heckel, 1840), a newly identified non-native cichlid fish in Florida.
  • Contrasting invasion histories and effects of three non-native fishes observed with long-term monitoring data.
  • Evaluation of the impact of aquatic-animal excretion on nutrient recycling and retention in stormwater treatment wetlands.
  • Natural history of the fishing bat Noctilio leporinus (Chiroptera: Noctilionidae) in the Gulf of Mexico.

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External Links

NCBI Metadata
Encyclopedia of Life
