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Name - Rhinoplax vigil

Name Details

Life Sciences Identifier (LSID) [metadata]

Reported Taxonomic Ranks


Reported Taxonomic Hierarchies

Animalia (Kingdom)
Chordata (Phylum)
Vertebrata (Subphylum)
Aves (Class)
Bucerotidae (Family)


Recent Publications

  • Ethnoornithological study in selected villages of Riau Province, Indonesia.
  • Safeguarding a nest of the Critically Endangered Helmeted Hornbill Rhinoplax vigil in Kalimantan, Indonesia, with notes on the nesting behaviour.
  • Estimating the availability of potential hornbill nest trees in a secondary forest patch in Kinabatangan, Sabah.
  • Elephant ivory, rhino horn, pangolin and helmeted hornbill products for sale at the Myanmar-Thailand-China border.
  • A molecular genetic approach for sex determination on helmeted hornbill (Rhinoplax vigil) casque: a forensic casework.

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External Links

NCBI Metadata
Encyclopedia of Life
