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Name - Pleuromamma

Name Details

Life Sciences Identifier (LSID) [metadata]

Variants and Synonyms

Reported Taxonomic Ranks


Reported Taxonomic Hierarchies

Animalia (Kingdom)
Arthropoda (Phylum)
Crustacea (Subphylum)
Copepoda (Class)
Calanoida (Order)


Recent Publications

  • Latitudinal Variation of Nutritional Condition and Diet for Copepod Species, Euchaeta sp. and Pleuromamma spp., from the Northwest Pacific Ocean Using Lipid Biomarkers.
  • Calanoid copepods of the Arabian Sea region.
  • Trophic positioning of prominent copepods in the epi- and mesopelagic zone of the ultra-oligotrophic eastern Mediterranean Sea.
  • First Record of Three Pleuromamma Species (Copepoda: Calanoida: Metridinidae) in Korea.
  • Key to the Species of Metridinidae Pleuromamma Occurring in the China Seas.

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External Links

NCBI Metadata
Encyclopedia of Life
