Name - Gonatus
Name Details
Life Sciences Identifier (LSID) [metadata]
Variants and Synonyms
Reported Taxonomic Ranks
Reported Taxonomic Hierarchies
Animalia (Kingdom) Mollusca (Phylum) Cephalopoda (Class) Coleoidea (Subclass) Teuthida (Order) |
Recent Publications
- Cephalopods in Greenland waters.
- Mass-length relationships and energy content of fishes and invertebrates delivered to nestling thick-billed murres Uria lomvia in the Canadian Arctic, 1981-2007.
- Application of stable isotopes to assess the feeding ecology of long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas) in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean.
- Deep-sea in situ observations of gonatid squid and their prey reveal high occurrence of cannibalism.
- ROV observations reveal infection dynamics of gill parasites in midwater cephalopods.
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External Links
NCBI MetadataEncyclopedia of Life