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Welcome to the Index to Organism Names (ION)

ION contains the organism names related data gathered from the scientific literature for Clarivate Analytics' Zoological Record® database. Viruses, bacteria and plant names will be added from other Clarivate databases such as BIOSIS Previews®.

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Achilleodinium palaeoeocenicus Khanna & Singh 1981
Achilleodinium palaeoeocenicus Khanna 1979
Achilleodinium? arboriforme Marheinecke 1992
Achlys Gistl 1848
Achoma Novis & Visnovsky 2012
Achoma brachiatum Novis & Visnovsky 2012
Achomosphaera Evitt 1963
Achomosphaera alcicornu (Eisenack 1954)
Achomosphaera alcicornu columnaeformis Aristova 1971
Achomosphaera alcicornu form. columnaeformis Aristova 1971
Achomosphaera alciornu (Eisenack 1954)
Achomosphaera andalousiense Jan du Chene 1977
Achomosphaera andalousiense du Chene 1977
Achomosphaera andalousiensis Jan du Chene 1977
Achomosphaera andalousiensis andalousiensis Jan du Chene 1977
Achomosphaera andalousiensis suttonensis Head 1997
Achomosphaera antleriformis Schioler 1993
Achomosphaera argesensis Demetrescu 1989
Achomosphaera callosa Matsuoka 1983
Achomosphaera cambrus Sah, Kar & Singh 1970
Achomosphaera cf. Achomosphaera ramulifera
Achomosphaera clavata Morgenroth, Rahardjo & Maryunani 2008
Achomosphaera communis (Corradini 1973)
Achomosphaera crassipellis (Deflandre & Cookson 1955)
Achomosphaera danica (Wetzel 1952)
Achomosphaera eggadania Vieira, Mahdi & Osterloff 2018
Achomosphaera expansa Stover & Hardenbol 1994
Achomosphaera fenestra Kirsch 1991
Achomosphaera grallaeforme Brosius 1963
Achomosphaera granulata Mao 1989
Achomosphaera heterostylis (Heisecke 1970)
Achomosphaera hirundo (Eisenack 1954)
Achomosphaera hirundo (Eisenack 1958)
Achomosphaera hyperacantha
Achomosphaera improcera Islam 1983
Achomosphaera jayana Morgenroth, Rahardjo & Maryunani 2008
Achomosphaera linifera (Cookson & Eisenack 1967)
Achomosphaera mariannae philippotii Marheinecke 1992
Achomosphaera membraniphora (Angelopoulos 1964)
Achomosphaera membraniphora (Agelopoulos 1964)
Achomosphaera microreticulata
Achomosphaera microtriaina (Stover & Evitt 1968)
Achomosphaera multifurcata Jain & Tandon 1981
Achomosphaera neptunii (Eisenack 1958)
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